Feeld Imaginary name: Why and how to write a good one

A spicy & sensual alter ego

Feeld is about exploring your deepest desires playfully and openly. This probably means communicating in a way that’s pretty far from what you do daily in your corporate job.

This is where and alter ego approach can come in handy and make the transition easier.

A Feeld imaginary name lets you enter a “role” and can make it feel a lot easier to try this new form of communication.

Key takeaways

  • Come up with a unique name that reflects your desires, strengths & what you bring to the table [bed]

  • Pros: An imaginary name let’s you stay anonymous and maintain privacy

  • Pros: The idea of stepping into a persona can help in how to communicate in a creative, fun and sensual way.

  • Cons: Might feel distancing for you matches, and a “real” name might feel more personal i.e helps in building that crucial emotional connection.

How to craft a Feeld imaginary name

When trying to come up with a Feeld imaginary name, think about your desires and what type of signals you want to portray to others. Think about your strengths. You can absolutely use Chat GPT to help you brainstorm. Ask questions about words that are tantalizing or concepts in nature or whatever the vibe you’re going for.

Also just browsing the app can be good for inspiration. Write down the ones you like and come up with something similar.

The pros of a imaginary name

  • It’s a way to protect your privacy and maintain a sense of anonymity in the vast sea of online dating. In a world where oversharing is the norm and catfishing is a legitimate concern, having the option to cloak yourself in a pseudonym can provide a welcome sense of security.

  • It’s shedding the constraints of everyday life and stepping into a persona that’s free from judgment, expectation, or inhibition. It’s about exploring facets of your personality that you may not have the chance to express in your everyday interactions.

  • Using all the features the app suggests is key to becoming successful on Feeld.

The cons of a imaginary name

  • An imaginary name might feel less personal. For a lot of women building an emotional connection is essential for attraction. Made up names might increase the distance between you and your match and the road to emotional connection might be slightly longer.


Want to learn how maximize the amount of matches you get on Feeld? Check out our blueprint

Summary: Feeld imaginary name

To write a good Feeld imaginary name, focus on your desires and strengths, aiming to communicate creatively and playfully. Choose a unique name that reflects what you bring to the table, ensuring it feels natural and intriguing. This approach maintains your privacy while allowing you to explore different facets of your personality.


Addicted to personal growth. Long time dating app user. I too have struggled with getting matches but have managed to increase my match rate from 3% to 17% and be able to serve high-attraction dates consistently. This has massively contributed to my overall fulfillment in life.


Feeld Conversation: a real example


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