How To Get More Matches On Tinder: 4 Steps Blueprint

increase tinder Quality matches

I truly believe learning how to get more matches on dating apps such as Tinder, is nothing but a combination of soft and hard skills.

We are going to break down everything you need to know to create a standout Tinder profile and get more matches.


The 4 main things you need to learn today to increase quality matches on Tinder:

  • You are still uninformed and do not know the unwritten rules of visual communication - You are making the classic mistakes that so many guys do, and most likely presenting yourself under your actual SMV.

  • Leverage bios to activate your potential matches and use CTA:s to send positive signals to the algorithm when people write/respond to you.

  • You have yet to have learned how to interact successfully. A lot of good-looking guys could be doing a lot better on Tinder, whereas a few not-good-looking guys are playing above their league cause they understand how to create emotional connections through words.

  • You might have updated your profile but have a history of a poor yes/no ratio in swipes, and therefore, Tinder barely shows your profile to anyone. The algorithm filters you out. Read below how to reverse and optimize.

01. Actually Learn the fundamentals of attraction [to get more matches]

Tinder is a visual platform, so you have to be able to communicate with other users visually. Visual communication is the practice of using images to get a message across, inspire change, or evoke an emotion.

This type of communication takes time to develop as a skill, and generally, guys are less active on visual platforms, online dating apps like Instagram, for example.

Women speak this language fluently, how they're able to tell stories through pictures, and also how they make assumptions of you [based on your photos] that you probably aren't even aware of.

Your traits shine through your pictures, and women instinctively choose mates who demonstrate traits that ensure their survival. This means guys who signal traits such as boldness, confidence and, emotions of calmness. This lies in your facial expressions and body language and not your facial features.

Good news? There are shortcuts on how to get more matches on the Tinder app without learning this skill. You need to know what elements to work with in the first place and have the right tools. I've developed a tool called “The Directors Call”, which is an effective way to access the right thought process and get super-attractive photos that you can use on any dating app. Let's talk about two key factors below:


1. TAKING incredibly attractive and good quality pictures By learning “AVS” [Attractive Visual Storytelling]

A picture that you yourself have chosen can reveal so much about the world around you. Having good quality photos is essential as they can reveal so much about your personality and lifestyle.

Your facial expressions and body language, the setting, the background, the quality can make an image communicate completely different things.

It can reveal if you are staying on top of trends or living in the past, your level of intelligence, your level of effort, your level of confidence, your values, your social status, your leadership skills & your character traits.

Instead of just scrolling through your phone to pick the “best photos” of you, my friends, I encourage you to actually think about what attraction is, and more importantly, what your strongest traits are.

Because this is what most women really care about in dating life. How you would be able to provide value and help them build a fun and prosperous life, way more than they care about your facial features.

This is good news because it’s way more controllable. If you aren’t purposely crafting an attractive profile from the ground up, you most likely won’t end up with one.

Putting in some effort to get this right from the start is the single most powerful thing you can do to get more Tinder matches. If you aren’t purposely crafting an attractive profile from the ground up, you most likely won’t end up with one. Putting in some effort to get this right from the start is the single most powerful thing you can do to get more Tinder matches.

If you aren’t purposely crafting an attractive profile from the ground up, you most likely won’t end up with one. Putting in some effort to get this right from the start is the single most powerful thing you can do to get more Tinder matches.

incredibly attracyive blonde girl taking a photo of herself

my personal experience

I was one of those who struggled to even get matches on Tinder a few years ago, but through gaining some insight and learning a few skills, I’ve been able to enter the top tier of Tinder (“top picks”).

You can check out what my profile used to look like and what it is today, and exactly how I closed that gap.

I have written this article based on my personal success, let’s dive in.


Learn Presentation to Make Your Photos 20% More Appealing to the Eye

When it comes to creating a captivating Tinder profile, the presentation of your photos plays a significant role. A well-presented photo can make your profile 20% more appealing to potential matches. Here are some tips to help you improve the presentation of your photos:

  • Use Good Lighting: Natural light is always the best option. Take photos near a window or outside during the golden hour for a warm and flattering glow. Good lighting can make a significant difference in the quality of your photos.

  • Experiment with Angles: Don’t be afraid to try out different angles and poses. A slight tilt of the head or a subtle smile can make a big difference. Find your best angles and use them to your advantage.

  • Pay Attention to Composition: Consider the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing when taking your photos. This will help create visually appealing and balanced images. A well-composed photo can tell a story and make you stand out.

  • Edit with Care: Avoid over-editing, as it can make your photos look unnatural. Stick to subtle adjustments to brightness, contrast, and saturation. The goal is to enhance your photos, not to alter your appearance drastically.

  • Use a Consistent Aesthetic: Choose a consistent style or theme for your photos to create a cohesive look. This can make your profile more visually appealing and memorable.

By following these tips, you can improve the presentation of your photos and make your Tinder profile more attractive to potential matches. Remember, high-quality photos are key to making a great first impression on any dating app.

great tinder match lying down in bed in beige dress

TINDER Profile tips & Guidelines

  • First picture should be a hero photo where your face and torso are clearly visible to make a strong first impression on your Tinder profile

  • Your physical appearance plays a significant role in how the Tinder algorithm sorts and presents your profile to other users.

  • Aim for 4-6 pictures [2]

  • One group photo [signals social proof]

  • One photo of you doing something you enjoy i.e. caught in the moment

  • Be ware of your facial expressions, a solid smile is usually good and makes you look confidenThings to avoid [on any dating app]

  • Having several group photos

  • Blurry / low quality photos

  • Selfies

  • Flashy photos [cars, shirtless etc]

sunkissed woman in yellow dress by the beach

02. Craft a Bio That Adds Value to Your Personality

Your Tinder bio is an opportunity to showcase your personality and add value to your profile. A well-crafted bio can help you stand out from the crowd and attract quality matches. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling bio:

  • Be Authentic: Share your genuine interests, hobbies, and passions. This will help attract like-minded individuals who share your values. Authenticity is key to building meaningful connections.

  • Keep It Concise: Aim for a bio that is short, sweet, and to the point. Avoid lengthy paragraphs or overly complex sentences. A concise bio is easier to read and more likely to hold attention.

  • Use Humor: Humor can be a great way to break the ice and showcase your personality. Just be sure to avoid coming across as insincere or try-hard. A lighthearted bio can make you more approachable.

  • Highlight Your Unique Qualities: What sets you apart from others? Share your unique qualities, skills, or accomplishments to make your profile more interesting. This can help you attract quality matches who appreciate your individuality.

  • Avoid Clichés: Steer clear of generic phrases or overused pickup lines. Instead, focus on creating a bio that is authentic and reflective of your personality. Originality will help you stand out in a sea of profiles.

By following these tips, you can craft a bio that adds value to your personality and helps you attract quality matches on Tinder. A compelling bio is an essential part of a successful Tinder profile.

brunettte with bug lips ready to go out to a fancy restaurant

03. Learn how to interact successfully on Tinder

If you have a solid profile trustworthy, well-optimized, high-quality profile where you are fully aware of what you are signaling. Relevant matches will start coming in. If you, however, do not interact in a way that gets responses, you will slowly lose that organic visibility. On the contrary, if your matches are interacting with you and giving you their details, this is where your visibility skyrockets, and matches will start pouring in.

Good Openers push the right buttons

A good opener is unique to her, evokes emotions, and activates her. Newness, curiosity, excitement and are good emotions to aim for. Tinder, for a lot of people, is similar to Instagram, where you go in a passive state or when procrastinating. Know that people will be more susceptible to activation during different times of the week.

In Effortless Attraction, I reveal the two most successful openers with the highest response rates because they evoke excitement and newness. I call these "Mr. Meticulous" and "The Fortune Teller". These need to be adapted to each person and can't be copied or pasted, but they work magic.

Whatever you choose to open with, bringing value and maintaining integrity is crucial.

Girls usually receive the best compliments from other girls because they compliment each other about things they know matter to them. Non-physical compliments. Like her jewelry game, for example [if that is something she seems to value]. Knowing what buttons to push is step one for a great opener, doing it charismatic is the second, and making it feel effortless is the third.

woman in fashionable bikini on a tropical beach in the sunset

Becoming a charismatic & “respondable” texter

Moving the conversation forward, to build momentum in the convo, you have to learn to communicate in a way that builds trust and tension. Most women are generally verbal and excellent at texting. You'll immediately be attractive if you can keep up with their game.

Using original words not everybody uses is a great way to stand out. You can even make up your own words; it's playful, creative, and stimulating. Being charismatic is about being open and confident with what you care about and value in your real life too. This is why I always recommend writing out details when answering questions. If she asks you generic stuff like what you are up to, always give it some spice with unexpected details that make you stand out!

young blonde girl feeling herself taking a selfie

Close the date with effortless transitions

Closing the convo and asking for the date varies depending on the weekday.

There are no rules but know that people feel differently depending on the weekday. Most people work weekdays and sense a bit of excitement on Friday afternoons, which can be good to capitalize on. Most people are off Sundays and spend more time on their phones. That's when conversations can catch momentum, where both of you are fully engaged in the convo.

If you learn how to make it feel effortless chatting with you, you have truly succeeded. This is done by validating her but also knowing exactly when to move to the next more interesting subject so the convo flows naturally and never feels forced.

Sometimes, a topic/joke can take off, but sometimes they just don't; the key is not to try and force it because she'll feel this, and momentum can be lost. Learn how to flow effortlessly between topics, tell stories charismatically, add social proof, bring good vibes, make her laugh, and know when enough intrigue and trust are built to ask for her number or propose a date. All while maintaining your integrity. Let me show you exactly how I do it in Effortless Attraction.

woman in fancy black dress looking up and posing during a photoshoot

04. Understand The Tinder algorithm

The algorithm has several visibility signals, but I will walk you through the most important three: Tinder itself has stated that activity is the single most important thing, which aligns with my personal experience. However, it goes a lot deeper than just having the app opened daily. It can be broken down into the following:

factors that affect visibility

  • How well you've completed all the things Tinder wants you to fill out (aim for at least 95%; if you don't have a bio, for instance, you'll notice a boost after filling that out)

  • If you actually write to the people you match with

  • If these people tend to respond to you [engaging openers = crucial]

  • What your match rate is - meaning how many matches you are getting from every 100 people you like. Only like people you would actually want to go on a date with (You can access your own data from Tinder to find out your exact percentage).

  • AI Tiers - Tinder uses AI to try to put you in a tier where they think you belong. They'll scan your profile as well as use machine learning based on user signals to put you in your designated tier. The very top tier is the one called top picks, which you'll get access to in Tinder Platinum.

  • How well do your preferences match with what the women in your area are looking for? This one might feel obvious but think about this when crafting your profile.

  • Consistency - If you switch up your profile a lot, it can potentially hurt your visibility. Your bio is always safe to change. But changing things that are meant to be static, like your occupation or where you live (people do this to get more matches), will affect your visibility negatively.[3]

Elo ScoreS

This was the core of the Tinder algorithm in the early years. Elo scores basically mean that Tinder ranks your profile based on an “attractiveness score”, and places you in tiers to match you with others. The algorithm has developed since and activity and user signals are now the main factors that control the algorithm. However, Tinder still has the “top picks” feature, where they highlight the most popular profiles. This might not have anything to do with Elo score, and everything to do with user signals, but it’s still a “tier” system.

You'll need to set up your profile accordingly; otherwise, you are already losing matches. In Effortless Attraction, we go over a step-by-step process for optimal visibility. Everything you do on the app is registered by Tinder, so you need to avoid the things that mess up the algorithm for you. The Feeld app algorithm is not nearly as nuanced, so you might want to try that app out!

A few other things to try to get more tinder matches

Leveraging New Features and Updates

Tinder regularly introduces new features and updates to enhance the user experience. By leveraging these new features, you can stay ahead of the game and increase your chances of getting more matches. Here are some tips to help you make the most of new features and updates:

  • Stay Up-to-Date: Keep an eye on Tinder’s blog or social media accounts to stay informed about new features and updates. Being aware of the latest changes can give you an edge.

  • Experiment with New Features: Don’t be afraid to try out new features and see how they can benefit your profile. Experimentation can lead to discovering what works best for you.

  • Use New Features to Enhance Your Profile: Consider how new features can be used to enhance your profile and make it more attractive to potential matches. For example, features like Tinder’s “Smart Photos” can help you choose the best profile picture.

  • Adapt to Changes: Be prepared to adapt to changes in the algorithm or new features that may affect your profile. Flexibility and adaptability can help you maintain a competitive edge.

By staying ahead of the curve and leveraging new features and updates, you can increase your chances of getting more matches on Tinder. Embracing new tools and features can significantly enhance your online dating experience.

Timing is Everything: When to Use Tinder

Timing can play a significant role in your Tinder success. By using Tinder at the right times, you can increase your chances of getting more matches. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your timing:

  • Peak Hours: Use Tinder during peak hours, such as Sunday evenings or weekday evenings around 9 PM, when more users are active. More activity means more potential matches.

  • Avoid Busy Times: Avoid using Tinder during busy times, such as during work hours or when users are likely to be distracted. This can help you get more focused attention from potential matches.

  • Consider Your Audience: Consider the type of person you’re trying to attract and tailor your timing accordingly. For example, if you’re looking for a professional, you may want to use Tinder during lunch breaks or after work hours.

  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to using Tinder. Try to use the app at the same times each day to increase your visibility. Regular activity can boost your profile in the algorithm.

By timing your Tinder use strategically, you can increase your chances of getting more matches. Understanding when your potential matches are most active can give you a significant advantage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on Dating Apps

When it comes to dating apps, there are several common mistakes that can decrease your chances of getting matches. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Blurry Photos: Avoid using blurry or low-quality photos that can make your profile look unappealing. High-quality photos are essential for making a good first impression.

  • Group Photos: Avoid using group photos that can make it difficult for potential matches to identify you. A single group photo can signal social proof, but too many can be confusing.

  • Lack of Effort: Avoid putting in minimal effort when creating your profile. Take the time to craft a compelling bio and upload high-quality photos. Effort shows that you are serious about finding a match.

  • Over-Swiping: Avoid over-swiping, as it can lead to a decrease in matches. Be selective and only swipe right on profiles that genuinely interest you. Quality over quantity is key.

  • Lack of Authenticity: Avoid being insincere or trying too hard to be someone you’re not. Authenticity is key when it comes to attracting quality matches. Be yourself and let your true personality shine through.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of getting more matches on Tinder and other dating apps. A well-thought-out profile and genuine engagement can make all the difference in your online dating success.


To elevate your Tinder success, focus on enhancing visual communication skills to avoid common errors and better present your social market value. Utilize engaging bios and calls-to-action to improve interactions and positively influence Tinder's algorithm. Learning effective interaction techniques, including tailored openers and conversational strategies, can significantly increase match engagement.

Prioritize the quality of your profile presentation and photos, emphasizing visual storytelling and presentation skills to make your profile more appealing. Understand the Tinder algorithm's workings, ensuring your profile is complete, actively engaging with matches, and aligning your preferences with potential matches to boost visibility.

Consider using Tinder Platinum for increased visibility, strategically timing your use of boosts and super-likes, and carefully adjusting your profile to maximize your matching potential. These focused strategies aim to enhance your Tinder experience, leading to more meaningful connections.


  • To increase your Tinder match rate, focus on improving your profile's visual appeal and engagement. Choose high-quality photos that showcase your personality and interests. Craft an engaging bio that adds value, dispels negative assumptions, and incorporates humor. Be proactive in initiating conversations with matches, using unique and emotionally stimulating openers tailored to each individual. Additionally, optimize your profile visibility by completing all profile sections, staying active on the app, and maintaining a high response rate to messages.

  • Without premium features, you can still improve your chances of getting more matches on Tinder by focusing on optimizing your profile and engagement strategies. Follow the tips mentioned earlier, such as selecting attractive photos, crafting an engaging bio, initiating conversations with tailored openers, and actively participating in the app to increase your visibility and match potential.

  • Several factors could contribute to a decrease in matches on Tinder. It's possible that your profile needs updating, your photos may not be appealing enough, your bio might not effectively showcase your personality, or your engagement with matches may be lacking. Additionally, changes in the Tinder algorithm or shifts in user demographics in your area could impact your match rate. Consider reviewing and adjusting your profile, engagement strategies, and timing of activity on the app to improve your match rate.

  • Yes, Tinder can still be worthwhile without paying for premium features. While premium features may offer additional benefits such as increased visibility and enhanced matchmaking options, you can still achieve success on the platform by optimizing your profile, engaging with matches effectively, and utilizing the free features available.

  • Whether Tinder is worth it for guys depends on individual preferences, goals, and experiences. For some, Tinder can be a valuable tool for meeting new people, finding dates, or forming meaningful connections. However, success on the platform often requires effort, patience, and a strategic approach to profile optimization and engagement. Evaluating your personal objectives and experiences with the app can help determine if Tinder aligns with your dating goals.


Addicted to personal growth. Long time dating app user. I too have struggled with getting matches but have managed to increase my match rate from 3% to 17% and be able to serve high-attraction dates consistently. This has massively contributed to my overall fulfillment in life.


how to turn matches into dates in 3 steps