How to start a conversation on Hinge

HINGE OPENERS that activates & Stimulates

The opener is a huge part of what type of momentum the convo will catch, so effective opening is a great skill to learn.

Let’s first break down the key takeaways of what an incredible Hinge opener is,
then we’ll break them down thoroughly with examples.

  • To start a conversation on Hinge, craft an opener that emotionally resonates with the person’s profile. Focus on unique details, use engaging and playful language, and keep it short and sweet. This approach creates intrigue and sets the tone for a deeper, more meaningful conversation.

Key takeaways: 3 INGREDIENTS OF AMAZING conversation starters

  1. An amazing opener pushes the right buttons emotionally, you have hit the bullzeye of what the person you wrote to actually care about.

  2. An amazing opener has unique wording or language and is stimulating in itself to read, it makes you come off as charismatic and fun to talk to.

  3. An amazing opener shows off effort but is lighthearted, short and sweet, at the same time.

Now, we are going to break these things down in detail, let’s start off with how to emotionally activate someone.


Get deeper than everybody else

She’s put stuff in her bio, and commenting on these things is non “copy-pasteable” so that is not a bad opener. But anyone can comment on these things and many people have. The same goes for what’s in the hinge photos.

But, if you know how to get deeper than what’s on the surface, you are getting closer to the emotions, and this is where you can activate her.

Getting really good about making assumptions about people is a skill, and when you do it on a daily basis you start to see patterns. Images reveal a lot, and asking an open-ended question about them can lead to deeper conversations.

Emotional elements

Certain types of people radiate certain things that give their identity away. Learn these emotional elements, (as I call them), which I break down thoroughly in effortless attraction.

You can absolutely cheat as well, if she’s put her sign in her profile, she’s 90 % likely to identify with the sign’s traits. If she’s a Capricorn or Leo and she’s entered her job title that you’d think she’s proud of, she’s most likely going to be the type of person who likes to talk about visions/dreams/future endeavors. This is an emotional element. But these gold nuggets are mostly visual, meaning you’ll often find them in her profile picture. Use these details to craft a prompt answer that resonates with her interests and initiates a meaningful conversation.

deramy asian woman in yellow dress by the ocean


Short sweet & playful

Now, say for example you have identified her as a creative, and aesthetics is something she really cares about. She matches her clothes in a unique and fresh way which can easily be told from her photos. She has edited them or shot her photos with an analog camera with great textures and colours. She obviously pays attention to details and so do you. You notice in her photos that wear’s subtle but unique jewellery pieces, this is an emotional element for her.

Trust me when I say a lot of guys open with compliments but with the most generic shit ever so you don’t have to worry about that.

Now like I said the opener should still be short and sweet, even though you’ve spent some time observing, so there’s no need to overdo it. A perfect hinge conversation starter for this specific person on dating apps would be, “Jewellery-game: 10/10”.

incredibly attractive woman in black white top taking a photo of herself

STEP 03: TRANSITION from initial message into conversation on dating apps

The example I gave in pt 1, is likely to take off into an initial conversation on its own, but the “jewellery-game” isn’t. If she doesn’t reply in a way that gives you something to build from, you’ll have to transition into a different topic. Never “force” it and try talking more about jewellery for example if that isn’t clearly lined up. The opener is mainly there to spark intrigue, and you have succeeded, but this is where the work really begins.

Understand that everything you write crafts a story around you, stories have emotions attached to them. And this is where attraction is built for women. When you think you’ve built enough connection, it’s time to ask her out and transition to real life interactions.


How do you open a meaningful conversation on hinge?

To open a conversation on Hinge, start with a lighthearted, specific compliment based on her profile. Focus on unique details like her hobbies, interests, or style to show genuine interest. Keep your opener short, sweet, and playful. For example, comment on a distinctive accessory or a shared interest to spark engagement and transition smoothly into a conversation.


Addicted to personal growth. Long time dating app user. I too have struggled with getting matches but have managed to increase my match rate from 3% to 17% and be able to serve high-attraction dates consistently. This has massively contributed to my overall fulfillment in life.


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