How to message on Feeld: Feeld Openers

HERE’s the Juice:

Women [even the ones with half-naked pictures in their profiles] need some sort of emotional connection to even feel attraction.

Emotional connection is built through storytelling, and the most effective way to do this is to craft a profile that highlights your best character traits and reveals who you are [you can control this].

Once you have this in place, you can bring a lot of heat even in the first message, because she can create that story in her head based off of your profile.

I’ll take you through the principles first, and then actually show you how I do it.

Key Takeaways

  • Open in a way that activates and stimulates, either sexual tension or lays a foundation for deep connection.

  • Time your messages, some weekdays and times of the day are better than others [Sundays are the best]

  • Search for your unique way of conversing, whatever that might be. Maybe you use unusual wording or perhaps you are playful.

  • Try being sensual over sexual & don’t heat things up out of the blue, transition smoothly.

  • Tell stories around you and your personality to evoke attraction


Best Feeld openers to use for sensual/SEXUAL conversation

1. The Fortune Teller 🌶🌶 [A Great All-round opener but with some spice]

This is a high-risk, high-reward type of opener. Luckily, the level of playfulness can be adjusted.

This opener is all about trying to read who she is as a person based on what she is signaling in her profile. Now, you want to focus on things you think she wants to identify with (positive things).

But even if you get it completely wrong, she will be curious about why you made those assumptions.


Don’t be afraid of going down the astrology route, if she has put her sign in her profile. Most girls find this type of talk sensual, especially if you know some things about her sign (just google it).

Remember, it’s all about how you can make her feel. If you say things that she’ll want to identify with, she’s going to feel good about herself, and your likeability will immediately rise. This opener is fun and creative.

sensual woman messaging on feeld

2. Mr. Meticulous 🌶

What does she seem to care about? If she’s creative, she’ll likely care about aesthetics for instance. Also, where she is in life will determine what gets her focus. What do you think she’s currently dreaming about?

You don’t have to overthink because the bar is generally quite low from guys here. But the more accurate you are in what she cares about, the better, of course. I call this ”pushing the right buttons.”

Complimenting is always a good opener if done right. Truth is, girls usually receive the best compliments from other girls because they compliment each other about things they know matter to them. Compliments that are usually non-physical are best for building that emotional connection.

Mr Meticulous is about really honing in on her and pushing that button that she truly cares about. It’s hardly ever her body, eyes, or smile. It, however, can be how she matches her outfits, her jewelry, and how she’s a whole mood. It can also be related to ambition, progress, or anything that makes her feel as if she is doing something right.

dressed up woman posing in window with the sunlight touching her cheek

3. “Sexting” Opener for casual hookups 🌶🌶🌶

I recommend going with this one if she puts “texting” as one of her desires and/or if you have a profile that truly speaks who you are.

What you’ll do is come up with a storyline, provide the first sentences, and leave it open for her to keep writing the story. Maybe it’s about the two of you ending up on the same train [like the conversation I shared at the bottom of this page].

Consider mentioning that you have some private photos that you only share with close connections. This can add an element of intrigue and exclusivity to your conversation, especially when discussing intimate content.

Either you just open with the first lines, or you go “Hey stranger, I just woke up, looked at your profile, and had this fantasy about you, would you like me to share it?” If she thinks you are attractive, then that’s almost like a little foreplay, activating her thoughts of what those fantasies might be.

Feeld messaging principles: How to message on Feeld

  • Finding your own way of writing. Anything that makes you come off as charismatic increases trust, and makes it stimulating for people to talk to you. This might be how you play with words, the emojis you use, how you use unexpected words, and possibly how you use metaphors or parables or your way of joking. Anything that makes texting with you a different experience than texting with other guys, is a good thing.

  • I find Sunday the best day by far to chat with people on dating apps. People are hungover, possibly a little horny, and have time to spend on their phones. But weekdays at around 8-9 PM is also good.

  • The better you become at this, the more matches you will be able to turn into dates. If you aren’t getting matches, then check out our guide on how to be successful on Feeld I go over full conversations in my book “Effortless Attraction” to show you the power of words, and how they can plant pictures in people’s heads.

girl taking a classy bathroom slefie in a trendy bathroom

A list of Things to avoid in the chat

  • Starting the convo with sending pictures, most likely will result in people leaving the chat before even looking.

  • Forcing the conversation. If you put in the effort to write something original and fun, and it just doesn’t land well [maybe not her type or humor or whatever] then just transition into a different topic without making a big deal out of it.

  • Avoid commenting on her “desires”. Everyone has to choose from this list. And most people pick things that they feel attracted to, but might not actually have a deep desire for. Until you really know for sure she’s into the stuff she’s put in her profile, try talking about something fewer people have commented on already.

  • Heating things up out of the blue, always aim for smooth transitions. Anything else will make you look weird. Maybe you’ll have to talk about something related to the spicy topic so that you can transition into the spicy seamlessly.

  • Anything generic such as “How was your day”, “You have beautiful eyes” or just “hi”.

  • Sending video messages initially. It can be overwhelming and might make the person uncomfortable. Start with text messages and build up to more personal forms of communication

girl in exotic environment looking stunning in clean outfit

example: An actual conversation


Ambar at 8 pm this Thursday? Is it a group date with all your Feeld matches then?



I’ve rented the whole thing

You are very welcome to join

No you absolutely deserve a solo date

Incredible wine-aura

We only have one problem though Michaela

I also like to be entertained on Sundays [based on one of her bio]

I'm often understimulated, hungover and horny then


It would turn into a damn Hunger Games

That's exactly my situation today, on a level so to speak


Yeah, why are you always horny on Sundays??

rn, I'm also on a train from Malmö to Stockholm and can do absolutely nothing about it

except for looking at your Hinge profile and getting even hornier


Because you're always hungover on Sundays!! When you're hungover, the best medicine is naked skin and hands roaming around

You're also at your most relaxed and could spend a whole day with it

Trains are a good place to give time to fantasies

What have you been up to in lovely Malmö?


I've been there over the weekend visiting some friends

yeah, that's actually true

I’ll fantasize about you a bit then


Feel free to share

It could have been something if you ended up alone with me in a train compartment.

*Things got really heated from here but what I did was come up with a very sexual story of me and her on the train, where things went from first eye contact to full-on sweaty sex. She filled in the story with her specific desires, [these types of messages feel really cringe when you look at them out of context, but when you are deep in it, they feel natural and fun.] Also, having this type of conversation takes you to another level, and you can skip the basic boring convos when you actually decide to meet up.


Addicted to personal growth. Long time dating app user. I too have struggled with getting matches but have managed to increase my match rate from 3% to 17% and be able to serve high-attraction dates consistently. This has massively contributed to my overall fulfillment in life.


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