Timing is everything: Best time to use a tinder boost

Best time to boost on tinder

The best times to boost are weekday evenings 8-10 pm or sunday mornings & afternoons, especially if the weather is bad.

Key Takeaways

  • Boosting your profile with Tinder Boost or Super Boost can significantly increase your visibility, with optimal usage times generally between 6 pm and 11 pm, especially on Thursdays and Sundays.

  • To make the most of a Boost, ensure you have a standout profile complete with engaging pictures and a compelling bio, and engage quickly with new matches to enhance your chances of securing a date.

Optimal Days and Times to Boost on Tinder

Weekday Boosting

Regarding the optimal weekday to use a Tinder Boost, Thursdays are often considered the best.

This preference for Thursdays stems from the fact that numerous single women start planning their weekend dates by this day, hence increasing your visibility with a Boost can be highly strategic.

Don’t overlook Mondays so quickly.

Monday nights tend to bring about feelings of ennui for both men and women who are single, which leads them towards higher activity on Tinder – making it another opportune moment to deploy a Tinder Boost.

woman drinking coffee and croissant in kitchen

Weekend Boosting

On the other hand, activating a Tinder Boost on Sunday evenings or mornings is particularly effective.

This timeframe aligns with users contemplating their social agendas for the upcoming week, making it an excellent opportunity to capitalize on a boost.

beautiful woman at restaurant

Weather-Related Boosting

Inclement weather, such as rainy evenings, surprisingly influences the use of Tinder and the effectiveness of a boost.

People tend to increase their activity on the dating app when they’re confined indoors due to poor weather conditions.

Whenever there is heavy rain or an impending snowstorm, it might be an ideal time to activate a Tinder Boost.

amazingly captivating girl in green jeans

The Worst Times to Use Tinder Boost

There are optimal and suboptimal times for utilizing Tinder Boost.

User engagement on Tinder typically wanes during early mornings and the beginning of evenings, which suggests these periods may not be ideal for activating a boost.

chica in sunset looking fresh

User activity tends to decrease significantly after 10 pm.

On weekday mornings, it’s common for users to be busy kicking off their day rather than swiping on Tinder, making this time less opportune for employing a Tinder Boost.

To maximize effectiveness, it is recommended to steer clear of using the Boost feature during any timeframe when there’s diminished activity on the app.


  • Utilizing Tinder Boost between 6 pm and 9 pm on Sunday or Monday can be most effective, as this is the period when the greatest number of women are using the app, thus increasing your chances of securing more matches.

  • A Tinder Super Boost, alternatively referred to as a Prime Time Boost or simply boost, operates on the same principle as the standard boost. Its distinct advantage lies in elevating your profile’s visibility to up to 100 times more potential matches than usual. This feature is activated automatically during peak hours on Tinder, increasing your likelihood of receiving likes and securing more matches.

  • During a 30-minute span, activating a boost on Tinder significantly amplifies your profile’s visibility, potentially garnering up to tenfold the usual number of views. This brief period is marked by an effective surge in exposure.

  • Tinder Boost amplifies your profile’s visibility up to tenfold for a duration of 30 minutes, whereas Super Boost escalates this enhancement to as much as a hundred times over an extended period that can last up to 180 minutes.

  • Certainly, inclement weather might result in a surge of Tinder activity as individuals often remain inside during stormy conditions, thus enhancing the likelihood of obtaining matches.


Addicted to personal growth. Long time dating app user. I too have struggled with getting matches but have managed to increase my match rate from 3% to 17% and be able to serve high-attraction dates consistently. This has massively contributed to my overall fulfillment in life.


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